My butt crack is cracked...need input
※ Download: Split butt crack
November 2013 The intergluteal cleft, also known medically by various synonyms and colloquially as the butt crack or ass crack, is the groove between the that runs from just below the to the , so named because it forms the visible border between the external rounded protrusions of the. I have had this issue for over a year, and It seems to heal a little after my Remicade, but about week 4 or 5 it is back to raw and bleeding. Your doctor will perform a procedure in their office after giving you an injection to numb the area.
LOL : I have the same problem….. Also a condition … called Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction causes pain in that area.
My butt crack is cracked...need input - Also, while you're there, get an inexpensive body powder like gold bond and use it on the area in the future if you're going to have a lot of humidity there for an extended period of time like if you sit in a leather or vinyl desk chair for several hours; fabric absorbs sweat, but leather and vinyl don't. Goes away for a little bit and then it comes back.
Back when I was first hospitalized 25 years ago post SCI, I developed a skin sore in my coccygeal area, just above the gluteal split top of my butt crack. It healed with a callus that in the following years I would sometimes attempt to peel off, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. Then it seemed for years that the callus miraculously disappeared and the skin became smooth again. Anyway, the callus has returned doing no harm on its own and in a fitful night's sleep recently, I tried to gently peel it off -- unsuccessfully. Yes, I could spend a day or 2 or more lying in bed waiting for it to close, but I've been hoping it would get better by drying out by applying iodine. So far that hasn't worked. It's been years since I used products like Duoderm, so long in fact that I can't even remember if it did the trick when I used it. Short of being confined to bed and off my butt, is there any product that I can apply to the area that will allow me to go about my day while healing this not-so-deep-or-so-horrible skin split? Have you tried Miracle Mist? I'm not familiar with MM but will investigate. Back in the day, the nurse who treated my first occurrence of this applied Maalox and then positioned a blow dryer set to cool to dry it. Back then before the introduction of Duoderm and similar products were available the thinking was dry healing was preferable to moist healing. I don't know what the current school of thinking is. The sore closed in a matter of days. Back in the day, the nurse who treated my first occurrence of this applied Maalox and then positioned a blow dryer set to cool to dry it. Then, before the introduction of Duoderm and similar products were available, the thinking was dry healing was preferable to moist healing. I don't know what the current school of thinking is. The sore closed in a matter of days. Maalox, as in what you take for an upset stomach, Maalox? I've never heard of using it for wound care before. If the wound isn't draining, it sounds like you could benefit from using Duoderm on the split. I've had great success using it on several spots that opened up, and they all healed without me needing to stay off those area during the healing process. The key, though, is that it needs to be the Duoderm Extra Thins. Change the dressing no more frequently than every three days or you could end up taking healthy skin off with it. This works very well for me. RE sitting, It will heal faster if you do not sit up and keep pressure totally off the area. If it is superficial, it shouldnt take long. I have no direct experience with the mist but it sounds to be more of an antiseptic from the site. Current wound healing suggests better healing in a clean moist environment and not in a dry environment. Also, betadine is not recommended as it is noted to be toxic to good healthy tissue. It would be wise for you to read a current article on current wound care principles. HEre is one but if there are many on the internet by doing a search.
I tried a lot of different things and it was finally only these two together that did the job. It turns out I had irritiant dermatitis from so much wiping and activity back there. My dad had one that he didn't get checked until it was infected and had to have emergency surgery. Any chance of something helping me get a decent night sleep tonight is worth a try. If you are split butt crack you can take a look at our or if you just want to see the damn site without all this bureaucratic nonsense, click and we'll set a dreaded cookie to make it go away. Try to keep the area dry. Tried to take a picture of it. Every cloud and all that. I use it all year round with no painful heat rashes. Perhaps adding an antifungal cream such as may increase the effectiveness of your existing creams. I am going totrythevirgin olive oil tonight.